This course provides an introduction to the analysis of economic inequalities and the interplay between inequality and economic growth. It deals with three sets of core questions: 1) How does inequality evolve over the path of development? 2) What are the theories that can explain the level of economic inequalities and its dynamic? 3) How do policies affect inequalities, and what types of policies can foster equitable growth? The course addresses these issues from a global and historical perspective
Lectures on Fridays 10.00 am-1.00 pm (lectures have moved online to zoom until further notice)
Office hours on Skype (feel free to call ludvig.wier)
Sections on Mondays and Wednesdays - see location and timing here
Syllabus including course overview available here
Lectures and exam will be posted below
Course material (including exams, solutions, grade statistics) for previous year available here